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LaTeX Typing?
LaTeX, pronounced lay-tech, is a document preparation system commonly used by scientists, engineers, mathematicians and other professionals. Unlike a typical word processor such as Microsoft Word, LaTeX uses a plain text markup language which is compiled into a PDF document using optimal typographical rules. This results in professional-looking documents that are of a different class to the output from a word processor - click here to see some examples. If you'd like more information about LaTeX and why you should use it, see here!
Typesetting is the act of taking written content and optimally laying it out on a page for publication. In the old days of the letterpress era, manual typesetting was carried out by skilled typesetters who arranged single metal letters on a board to create the document to be inked and impressed onto paper. Thankfully, these days document creation can be easily done on the computer by anyone. Unfortunately, modern word processors leave much to be desired when it comes to the typography of the document, do not handle deviations from their preset layouts very well and deal with complex documents poorly. Typesetting in the digital era is still carried out by skilled professionals using software such as LaTeX and results in superior documents to those obtained from word processors.